Sunday, August 25, 2024



Moving means bringing necessary and useful stuff and then not finding it. I ordered a printing press and had it sent to another home where I'll be staying for a while.

I couldn't find my favorite carving tool until after finishing the linoleum sheet, then I couldn't find the white ink for too long.

Couldn't find the refried beans for too long too.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

One World - Many Timezones


I don’t feel like myself until I sleep two or three REM cycles in the middle of the day. Considering the feral, crabby, disappointed self not as real as the considering, making, night owl self. Here is why: for 16 days my hours were busy. Then this happened:

Back to the garden.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Tuesday, November 7, 2023



I spilled tea on a rug the other day and rinsed it and put it outside to dry where it got rained upon. The rain rinsed another stain out of the rug and I remembered a fellow from San Diego who used to say he allowed only the purest rainwater  to wash his car.