Thursday, June 2, 2022

Adventures in Plant Base


Not tomorrow, but the day after, I will take a flying trapeze class with Santa Barbara Trapeze Co. Some athletes propose a plant based diet to build strength and health, and this seemed like a good opportunity to be a test case. I would go without eggs, dairy and meat for several days before my class. My diet holds a lot of vegetables and I discovered that mornings and early afternoons support the kind of chopping, seasoning and boiling for an hour that accompany stir fry, porridge and soup. By evening I was dragging myself over to the loaf of bread for dinner. Therefore, my Red Lentil Soup with Lemon recipe from NY Times Cooking was languishing on the counter. 

A month ago, I took a friend's advice and boiled vegetable broth from unused lettuce, leeks, onion and carrots - maybe some other things. I put my tomato juice from making consommé into it and had about three quarts. When I finally prepared Red Lentil Soup with Lemon, and the  recipe called for a quart of broth, there it was in the refridgerator. Except it wasn't. The broth had been consumed during the time of procrastination.  However, I had purchased a quart of oat milk carrot soup with cumin, which I used instead. Since the recipe calls for a teaspoon of cumin, this soup packs a flavor punch and I love it.

Come on over for soup - I'll make you a peanut butter and jam sandwich to go with it.

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